Characteristics of the product or service

Design a product/service that achieves an optimum penetration in the market, a consolidation and acceptance among its public, that really satisfies its needs and guarantees a high level of loyalty, and also optimizes the investment made in its development and commercialization.

  • What are the characteristics that our product/service should have to satisfy and retain customers/consumers?
  • Would it have acceptance in the market?
  • Would its development and implementation be profitable?
  • …..
What are we looking for?
How do we do it?
What do we get?

What are we looking for?


That the characteristics of the product (price, taste, packaging, name, image, life cycle, guarantee….) or service offered are those that best meet the wishes and needs of the target audience.


That the functionally or utility of the product or service be valued and appreciated as such, becoming part of the life of the consumer.


That there is potential demand for the launch and commercialization of the product or service.


That the characteristics of our product or service are above the competitors and represent an added and differential value.

How do we do it?

Concept, price, naming, packaging…test.

Through focus groups, projective tests and qualitative techniques with prescribers, consumers and opinion leaders where we help define the characteristic features of the product or service.

Potential demand and product launch

We evaluate that there is enough potential market that guarantees the profitability of the product or service, and define the best launch strategy to achieve the desired success and penetration.


We analyze what the competitors are doing and how them does it, detecting, their potencial and their shortcomings, and comparing their items with our brand to know our positioning with respect them.

What do we get?


Optimize investment in product or service, adjusting its characteristics to the likes and needs os customers, focusing on those aspects that are better valued by the potential public and correcting those with less acceptance.


That the product or service has a faster acceptance and a longer loyalty over time.


Know the dimensioning of the potential demand to calculate the necessary investment in the development and launch of the product or service and bring the expected return to realistic parameters.


Identify competitive advantages with respect to other brands and obtain a winning position that allows us to anticipate their steps and design proposals and initiatives that are novel and widely accepted.