
Knowing what are my competitors in the market where I want act and how work them. Have information about the characteristics of my competitors, about their products and services, about the customers/consumers to which they cover their needs, about their positioning in the market…

Knowing if my company and my products/services really have a place in the market and, consequently, how to face the challenges of competiting with the existing offer.

Open new business opportunities in non-mature segments, be pioneers and gain market share due to the absence of competitors.

  • Which competing companies act in my same market? What are their characteristics? What do customers/consumers think about them?
  • What complementary companies can help me or strengthen my position and offer?
  • How can I differentiate myself from the competitors? What is my added value? What are my weak points?
  • How mature is the market? Am I late? Do I have space for my company?
  • What other markets can be interesting to have greater chances of success?
  • …..
What are we looking for?
How do we do it?
What do we get?

What are we looking for?


Knowing the market in which we want to develop our activity, know its level of maduration or saturation, find new business opportunities.


Knowing our competitors and how to operate, the value they bring, the characteristics of their products or services, their type of clients, etc….identify their goods practices as well as their weak points.


Obtain a position of strategic advantage with respect to the competitors within the market as well as establish complicities with the complementary offer that helps create a more attractive overall offer.

How do we do it?


We evaluate the presence of competitive or complementary offer within our territory of action, as well as its scope of action.


We analyze what the competence is doing and how it does it, the characteristics of its products or services, its presence in the sales channel, detect its potential and its shortcomings, and comparing its items with our brand.

Mystery Shopper/Guest

Evaluate the quality of the service provided, the characteristics of the service and the sales or distribution channel of our competitors.

What do we get?


Have strategic and updated information on the movements of our competitors, to be able to react to changes and anticipate future trends, taking the iniciative.


Enhance our added value, contributing differential factors with respect to competitors.


Define better our products or services, always adjusted to our corporate strategies, but taking into account the competitors we face, for an optimal acceptance and penetration in the market.


Know our real position in the market.


Identify market niches that are not being served.


Establish leadership positions.